Tuesday, April 12

Jermey Allaire, Brightcove and IPTV vs the "Internet of Video"

Found this over on Jay Deadman's blog and found it interesting. Some of you may know Jermey Allaire was the man behind Allaire Corp, which was bought up by Macromedia. Fewer may have heard of Bright Cove which is his new startup which received something like $5 mil in venture capital recently.

IPTV vs Internet of Video

Here is Jeremy Allaire talking about video publishing on the web.
IPTV vs Internet of Video
He calls what we do..."the internet of video". (weird name)
He calls what CNN/MTV/Sony will do...IPTV.
"Internet of the Video" is video blogging , or people posting personal videos.
IPTV is big companies using the web to push more commercial video content at us.
In five years, video will be a normal part of the web experience...but will it be mainly MTV and Fox news videos....or videos that we make for each other?

It sounds like Jeremy is speaking to a business audience.
But he does a really good job laying out the landscape for the present reality of video publishing...and how it maight play out.
If you have an idea of what videoblogging is...he explains what he thinks are the barriers to personal video publishing and distribution.

He's heading up a company called Brightcove that is building a box that may let regular people publish video to TV.
Imagine having ANT on your TV....subscribe to any video feed you want...and it downloads to your TV's harddrive...and you watch it on your couch with a remote control in your hand.

Is this what we want?
More TV?
or do we want a web experience that allows us to watch, comment to each other, trackback, and have conversations?

When people talk about creating these TV networks where anyone can post their video to TV...I wonder...how open can it be?
Openness doesn't often equal profit.
Does money and sharing video with each other meet somewhere?
Everyone is scrambling to find out.

Quote Via: Momentshowing: IPTV vs Internet of Video

My thoughts: What interested me here is the clash of old media and new media paradigms. Is the future of video on the web to be simply IPTV, old TV moved to the internet, or is it to be something much more open? Of course, I say both, but I'm not really interested in what old media has to say about IPTV, and I'm even less interested in what players like Microsoft would make it. I'm not interested in their DRM, Reality TV, advertising as usual, or cable news and commentary.

What I think is most interesting is that the bottom is dropping out from under mass media. The price of entrance is falling drastically, the boundaries to entrance are disappearing. This has created an amazing new space for public discourse where mass media can now take place on a radically personal level... a place where an individual can talk to 1 person or 1 million people all over the world as easy as they could pick up the phone and indeed as personally as if they are talking on the phone. What interests me here is not that old media players will live or die or will make billions more in the next ten years (and they will) but that mass media will no longer be few to many, but many to many. The technology already exists to take media well past hollywood, exploding independent media, and beyond even the thousands of niche markets all over the world. The line between mass media and personal media no longer exists. Mass media now starts with an audience of one.

The problem now is distributing it, making it accessible to everyone, conquering the digital divide.... and making it easier and easier to use so it can fit into everyday situations.

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