Toys are everywhere, we love them, we put stupid Buzz Lightyear dolls and action figures on our desk to keep us company as we work. For some of us they're our only real world friends. Toys are the biggest self propogating meme there is. So why are there no good toy blogs?
I mean, come on, we have infinite totally awesome blogs about gadgets (
gizmodo) and Sweet design stuff (
Cool Hunting,
Funfurde &
Sputnik) and
Mac gadgetry
Crazy Obscure Stuff, and
those funny alaskans and
crazzy Viennese and even
Low Carb freaks, but
Would someone please make me a damn sweet awesome toy blog already!

I swear I will promise to look at it every day and I won't even complain about the advertisments. Hell I might even click on a few. Well, just as long as it's really good and really geeky. It's got to have
awesome designer vinyl dolls, and
Dino sitting on top of a live volcano, and
happy StrageFunCo stuff and the wackiest and weirdiest stuff. But that's all and I swear I'll come and visit everyday. Maybe our friends at
gawker media will help. God knows I'm to incompetent to lazy and to just to damn much of a talker to do anything about it.
So how about it peoples, bloggers, anybodies?
This post spurned by conversation at:
Crusty Chump, last cranked at 2004-11-12 12:46
Hello, I've started a toy blog at wickedtoys.blogspot.com
I am focussing on character figurines from indie labels such as ArtAsylum, Michael Lam, VANCE and BABY sue. I scour the net everynite looking for bizarre and awesome vinyl and plastic sets that are affordable and would look sweet on the PC workstation. I keep track of the Lego Mini Figs trends as well. I hope you'll come and visit.
Thanks for reading!
Aparently some people think this is a marketing page. I've started deleting comments that just point to toy websites.
I started a Toy Blog a few months ago. It's called "Screen Play" and its about web-enhanced & interactive toys. My company (Cieo Creative) develops such products and works with the children's interactive & toy industry.
check it out!
I am a toy collector – not selling anything – just want to share my blog about bearbrick toys. Are you familiar? I hope this passes your standards. It's about my passion for the cutest form of lowbrow art – designer toys!
I run a technology & gadgets blog and always thought there was a need for a good blog about toys, so I started one last month.
The blog is new and still a work in progress, feel free to check it out.
I repeat:
Aparently some people think this is a marketing page. I've started deleting comments that just point to toy websites.
Check out the review for the London Toy Fair 2009!
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