Thursday, March 8

Tell Steve Jobs to set the music free

Defective by Design has followed through on Steve Job's "thoughts on music" with a petition to ask Steve Jobs to put his money where his mouth is.

Point number one is that Steve Jobs allow independent artists to sell non-DRM music in the iTunes store.

The petition has already far surpassed it's goal of 1000 signers with over 2100 signatures as of this writing. The message is dead on. Help us all call Steve Job's bluff. Either he's genuine or he's simply a hypocrite. Let it be known by adding a punctuation mark and signing the petition!
1) Drop DRM on iTunes for independent artists

Many independent artists and labels distribute their music through iTunes and many wish to do so without DRM, but you won't let them. You could show good faith immediately by dropping DRM for those artists and labels.

This will make it clear which artists are actually locked to one of the four big labels, allowing your customers to avoid those labels and the burden of DRM. Independent artists, who respect the desire of the fan to be free from DRM restrictions, will receive more support.

You can set the ethical example and be the first "major" to drop DRM, by freeing independent artists. You have the direct power to do this.

From: An Open Letter to Steve Jobs |

Related Post: Mr. Jobs tear down this wall!

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