This graph shows CD Baby's sales numbers by month fince they started back in 1997 through December 2005.
Here are some interesting factoids
2004 CD sales : $7.5M
2005 CD sales: $10.3M
2004 digital sales: $0.76M
2005 digital sales: $3.1M
new CDs added in 2004: 28,285
new CDs added in 2005: 37,798
The increase in digital sales is what I find interesting. It'll be interesting to see what they are in a year or two.
CDBaby is a great story. They may still be doing "only" about $14 million in revenue a year, but they're the best promoter of independant musicians. I'm no musician, but they kick so much butt even I'm tempted to create an album and put it out there. :)
What I'm waiting for is the first seller of independant films and movies. A DVD Baby if you will, but of course DVD's are incosequential. What we're really talking about is purchaseable DIVX and MP4 videos. I have lots of vlogger friends who have indepenant films and film projects and I dream one day they'll be a market just for them.
Via: http://cdbaby.org/stories/06/02/08/3949734.html
1 comment:
Check out FilmBaby : http://www.filmbaby.com/
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