watch it (Quicktime)
Dear Dave and the gang,
Please consider this an open invite.
You're just our type of people here on the internets and we love your odd sense of humor. Please, don't throw in the towel just because Fox cancelled its order, just ditch those dudes and come on down to the new game in town.
You can call it internet TV, Video On Demand, IPTV or whatever you like, but it's a great time to jump in the game. Everybody's doing it. And some are doing it well.
I'm sure we can hook you up with a few hundred thousand paying subscribers since the internet reaches a hare more people than the WB network. And if you're worried about protecting your IP, well I'm not the biggest fan of DRM, but if it'll make you feel secure in the transition, well I'm sure Apple would be happy to bring Arrested Development to iPods, computers, and TV's everywhere via iTunes and the Apple Store. It's a wining combination and a sure bet.
Just follow the lead of those not so desperate 'Desperate Housewives' and the not so poor 'Lost' souls. I hear they made a million or so in their very first week. Not bad for a first week, eh?
So call me! ;)
PS. Long live internet TV! There's enough channels and a big enough market for all of us. Not to mention a lot less commercials. Not that I have a problem with commercials. I just think there should be a little more "show" in the average TV show than there are commercials. Is that so much to ask?
-mike of mmeiser.com
Via: Raishad.com - There is/are no god(s) :(
BTW, the video clip interestingly enough comes as an extra on the Season 2 Arrested Development DVDs.
You hit the nail right on the head, as did david cross. Not only is the show pure genius, the acting is also great. Fox completely failed on doing quintisential marketing. Hopefully another cable network, or company will pick it up, if not... Oh fox... there will be hell to pay.
I'd gladly help you out with this project, email me at Pilof1337@gmail.com
Can't see the video. Are you Fox?
Fox failing and cancelling a great show? Never.
Wait, isn't there an animated show about a guy with a family?
Any idea who he's talking to in that clip?
pilof I highly doubt the show would contact me or even here my suggestion... but if I here anything I'll be sure to yet you know.
BTW, did you mean essential marketing or quintisential marketing?
BTW, regarding the last anonymous comment... I think he's just venting.. and just happened to be caught on camera.
The realities of internet distribution are a lot more complicated than that, sadly, and it's not really feasible. Look up some stuff on kfmonkey.blogspot.com and the saga of Global Frequency pilot. It'll make you sad.
Sorry, I'm in the industry, I have to be the devil's advocate. It's my job.
"I hear they made a million or so in their very first week."
AD costs a reported 1.5M per episode, so I don't know that the iTunes store would do the trick. Hopefully the rumors of Showtime picking up the show and airing it next to Weeds is true, that would make for the best hour of comedy television on any network.
Fox loves to move shows to weird slots ...
Its amazing they have been able to keep the Simpsons going ....
Maybe Arrested will be like Family Guy and the DVD sales will be high enough to bring it back.
But with that kind of acting talent, it would be hard to reassemble.
Fox messed up Ally McBeal in its last year too with the "younger" cast.
I never understood why TV wants to pander so hard to 18-35s anyway. They have no money and lots of debt.
ed davis
How could AD burn through 1.5M an episode? The incredible CGI & high speed stunts, or the extreme post-production work?
I'd be interested in finding out where that money goes.
Most of the money goes towards hiring an army of people to sit around and work on your show. People get paid well in Hollywood, because you have to have a nest egg for the inevitable lapse in work from show to show. So you're looking at probably minimum 40,000/person per season. Most people more than that. For everyone. Count up how many people are in the credits. Then multiply that by 2, because that's how many people don't make the credits. That's a lot of money.
The reason big CGI pictures are expensive (and I know, cause that's what I do) is that you are hiring hundreds of people to work day and night, often ludicrous stretches (months) of overtime. The software, hardware, and studio upkeep is expensive too, but no more than set building. CGI houses don't make a lot of money, and often barely break even. They have a hideous rate of foreclosure. It's because you have to have a huge number of people in your employ at almost all times.
Attention big wigs: I will absolutely pay to watch this show online. Yes, yes, yes. Howard Stern is leaving decrepit terrestrial radio, it's time for AD to abandon limping network television. PLEASE. I will PAY MY OWN MONEY to watch this show.
I concur cancel something else, might I suggest bones, and or any of those other crappy shows.
Thank you
Dear David,
I've passed out on my "send" key, a little-known, but highly used keyboard addition here in Portugal. Please come to Portugal (Home of La Tortuga of Her Majesty's Doilie) and push my head off the desk and back into my lap.
Yo quero help.
Peace be unto you.
RogerioGOBIAS I removed some of your duplicate posts. Google sometimes takes a while to update my site. i've got to move to wordpress already.
Hi. I know you posted htis a week ago, but only until today I was able to sit down and look at my FireANT...
Man, great words you have written here. And the clip is awesome, those guys have said it HOW IT IS, and if someone still doesn;t undesrtand it, then they speak another language or something...
I'm currently hoping that Showtime will pick AD up. Petition here.
RE: anonymous @ 4:58 pm [12/7] Q: who is David Cross talking to in the video? and mmeiser's 7:35 response:
I think he's talking to Jeffrey Tambor's character, but he's really talking to us.
David Cross is in costume from a scene in "Sword of Destiny." In the scene, the characters are in the attic discussing the cutback in the "housing" order. George Sr. is plotting with Tobias about keeping the employees at the Bluth Co. from fearing the company is in trouble. Since this is the episode that references Fox's cutting back the season 2 episode order from 22 to 18, that would be fresh in the minds of the cast and crew. I believe David Cross is speaking in character during filming a section (which isn't in the final cut) of the scene, and suddenly launches into this diatribe. As David finishes, you see a hand reach up towards him from whomever he is talking to, and a voice saying "Thank you!" The voice sounds to me like Jeffrey Tambor.
I'm sure it wasn't happenstance that was caught on film. It was a speech delivered when he knew a camera would be rolling. A damn fine and astute speech. Bravo.
Thanks Jonathan that's an amazingly insightful comment. :)
I LOVE the show and am in shock!!!!
I will watch the show on whichever network has the smarts to pick it up!
I am somewhat NOT surprised as Fox cancelled Family Guy, only to see it had a great following!
I will be really bummed if no network picks this up as I can only suspect that many people felt it was too late to get into it like a soap opera? The show is too good to go!!!!!!!!!
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