Some blog critics will no doubt see a Jennycam-type voyeurism fueling the intense interest in collecting and watching the tsunami videos. I'm sure that's a factor. But I see at least two signifcant public service aspects to the work of the videobloggers documenting the disaster:
First, it brings the uncut and unedited horror home to people around the world who might otherwise shrug their shoulders. And unlike, say, network news viewers who catch a glimpse or two of the disaster before changing the channel, bloggers rope in a community of online doers. Jordan and Kevin Aylward at Wizbang are urging readers/viewers to donate to charities assisting tsunami/earthquake victims and providing links. (As a proxy, check out's donation page: Internet contributors there have raised nearly $3.8 million so far! Stingy? Stingy?)
Second, these amateur video collections will no doubt be of interest and use to researchers, scientists, and disaster preparedness experts. It's an amazing contribution.
In a sense, blogging is so 2004. The next big thing will be videoblogs. You can fit a rudimentary TV studio in a suitcase -- a laptop, a camcorder, a few cables, and a nearby Starbucks with Wi-Fi you can leech onto to upload your reports...
He shoots, he scores. The next big thing is here. The blogosphere's video coverage of the tsunami disaster has been stellar. Cheese and Crackers, run by college undergrad Jordan Golson (who has apparently been blogging for less than a month!), has become a clearinghouse for tsunami home videos.
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