An online video released in July satirizing John Kerry and George Bush, reached substantially more visitors than both of the candidates' sites combined. The comScore Media Metrix analysis of consumer Internet behavior this month revealed that JibJab.com did in deed bring in more visitors than both President George Bush and Senator John Kerry's web sites combined. Why would a silly video draw so much attention? JibJab.com drew an impressive 10.4 million unique visitors in July, more than three times the 3.3 million Americans who visited JohnKerry.com and GeorgeWBush.com.
"... JibJab.com took the Web by storm..." said Peter Daboll, president and CEO of comScore Media Metrix. "This is an example of just how quickly compelling content can spread in a wired world." At its peak, well over a million Americans per day visited JibJab.com, making it the focus of thousands of water cooler conversation across the country. If you haven't seen it yet view the video here
LINK: National News: Kerry Bush Online Video, JibJab, Grabs More Traffic Than Candidate Sites
Via: Video-Link - Web Streaming Video Blog
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