This has to be one of the most curious images I've seen lately. Ikea is pretty much the epitome of big box retail, car culture, and urban sprawl, and yet in Denmark they're experimenting with loaner bicycles and trailers.
Apparently in Copenhagen Ikea marketing research has realized 20% of store visitors visit Ikea via bike even though Copenhagen's two Ikea stores are 10km and 20km from the city center.
I can only imagine people bike commuting to the Ikea in Chicago, especially with a trailer. In fact I'd be suprised if you can even aproach an Ikea on bicycle with all the freeways. This just further illustrates the strange and wonderful differences in Danish culture. I believe the statistic is over 60% of Copenhagener's bicycle commute.
More Info: Copenhagenize.com - The Copenhagen Bike Culture Blog: IKEA Idea With Velorbis Bikes
P.S. I strongly recommend subscribing to the Copenhagenize.com. Lately it's been one of my favorite blogs on bike culture.
fyi.... the IKEA here in Portland is easily accessible by bike and light rail. I could see them doing something like this here in Portland.
DOn't know if you're tracking responses to your comments scott (I highly recomment co.mments.com) but that seems like an awesome idea, and portland a great place to do it.
I bet you could pull that off in portland and it'd set great precident.
You might push that idea around among bike groups and organizations there... maybe even shoot ikea an email. Wish I was from up there, but Michigan is my backyard right now. :)
Very nice posting. Thanks.
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