Friday, July 28

Andrew Baron on Rocketboom at the first meetup.

Watch movie (Quicktime, 9.9 min, 38.7 MB)

Original post, from Randy Wicker Reporting:

ROCKETBOOM? BOOM OR BUST? Randy Wicker Reporting Watch the video Andrew Michael Baron, creator of Rocketboom, talked to the first gathering of a a new vlogger group ( ) Wednesday night, July 26,2006. He told the gathering they had a unique "window of opportunity", that vlogging gave even niche markets a previously impossible worldwide audience and that Rocketboom was simply a poster-child for a media no longer monopolized by multi-millionaires. He announced a new sale of $40,000 for one week's advertising on his show. He also revealed some of his most personal feelings about the departure of Amanda, Rocketboom's original anchorperson and showed some charts of the impact Amanda's departure had on viewership.

(Via Mefeedia)

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