A full half of Harley Davidson's buyers are return customers "upgrading" to new Harley's. Think about what it means when all those customers re-sell their Harleys to the next guy. That should give you some idea of what it means to be one of the most legendary cult brands.
How about the Neistat Brothers who produced the short film "iPod's Dirty Little Secret" after they were so insensed about the iPod's 18 month battery life? It was an attack on Apple for a device they love and a trust betrayed. Luckily Apple brought them back into the fold and now offers much better battery replacement options, but not before that video was viewed over 1.4 million times.
Then there is Morgan Spurlock who created the documentary film "Super Size Me" to document the decline of his health over a thirty day period in which he ate nothing but McDonalds. Within Months McDonald's pulled the "super size" value meals off their menu.
Consumers are speaking up, people are finding their voices. They're getting more demanding, more direct, and what they are demanding is a larger say and more control over the world in which they live, brands are merely one of the front lines.
BW Online | August 2, 2004 | Cult Brands
The Global Brand Scoreboard (pdf) from Interbrand
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