Sunday, August 15

Welcome to my new url

You've found me again. Welcome to my new blog url,

I've been using google's blogger platform since 1994(ish?) and google had end-of-lifed some of the older features I was using to support my blog at Most specifically FTP support which was a primitive and resource intensive mechanism for keeping a blog up to date anyway. I also wanted to take advantage of many of the great newer features in google's latest blogging platform.

The design shell of the new blog will continue to look a little crufty, but I should start updating regularly again.

I've also been able to move my complete post archive since 1994 over to the new location which has some added benefits like being able to bring a little transparency to the archive with search and browseable tagging / categorization.

I'll eventually get my archive back up at again or at least redirect urls to their new location. Just have to make some DNS configurations.

Peace, -Mike

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