Wednesday, June 8

59 Bloggers vs Blogumentary

I just posted the following comment, and though it's not the sum of this issue, it's my point and one in which I hope some will heart of.

Re: 59 Bloggers vs Blogumentary

I appreciate your summary. It was very good, but you do have one fact wrong. Your post seems to imply Nathan Peter's was one of the 59 bloggers to be interviewed for the documentary.

In fact David Weinberger was one of the 59 to be interviewed and asked to be removed from the list.

It was after this that Nathan Peter's sent his email to about 30 of the other 59.

In my opinion I don't think any of the vloggers were looking to stop this guys documentary from getting made. I do think his comments and his actions following those comments did that by them selves, with bloggers doing narry more than reposting them. His words and his actions spoke for themselves.

At any point this guy could have apoligize for his hasty comments (we ALL make hasty comments on occasion) and in fact state that he did have a point about film names not being protected by copyright. I'm not so sure that would work after his last response at though.

I think the lesson here is the blogosphere demands mutual respect, it's a central value, and if this guy cannot understand that then he really doesn't get the blogosphere and therefore isn't qualified to be doing a documentary on it.

That said I'm disapointed that we can't all learn from this and put it behind us. I think it's a lesson worthy of addressing or in deed informing of his documentary. But the olive branch has been extended to him on many occassions and he has denied them all.

Michael Meiser

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