Via ComandN
This blog is still and maybee always will be in alpha. There is no strict editorial direction at this time, but it's likely to be rantings and ravings about technology, design, art, culture and especially all things new media.
"media does not converge"
A superb post from Media Nipple. I think their commentary is smack on. Superb. All I can say is Newscorp is planning on selling downloadable movies for $19.99!? Ha!
DRM, unburnable... junk. Every major content company is just insane, the majority of these services are going to fail straight away. However we must look on the bright side. They've finally come to a point where the can no longer afford to ignore the market for digitally shipped content. The demand is to high. Atleast they're all starting to put a foot in the game.
Watch movie (Quicktime, 1.8 min, 9.8 MB)
Original post, from Media Nipple - Visual Communication:
One false media theory is that of convergence. Media does not converge – it mutates into ever more varieties. Old media does not die, it moves over to make room for more. (Click image - and links below - to view Quicktime video.) MySpace will not die, it will now ADD movies to its repertoire. YouTube will not die, it will add music videos available for download. This is the pathway of all media. In a mediated world, citizens are awash in ever widening communication possibilities. Books will not die, they will also migrate to the internet. TV news will not die, it will also be available on iTunes. What is happening here? What comes next? Who can watch, listen, learn? Remember this: Information is not wisdom. Entertainment is not knowledge. And a mediated world is no substitute for the real thing. Keep your wallet in your pocket – and go outside for a walk. Consider visual literacy and grow better media communication. tags: VLOG visual LITERACY television MEDIA communication CULTURE
(Via Mefeedia)
Grouper is one of the three dozen or so video-sharing sites, such as Revver.com, Guba, Instant Media, Veoh Networks, Heavy, Metacafe.com and a host of others that have emerged in the last 18 months or so. All do roughly the same thing, with a twist here and there to provide differentiation. And, Grouper is the second video site to be sold this month. The first was online production company Atom Entertainment which Viacom purchased for $200 million.
"Weird Al's file-sharing anthem"
Sorry, it's not like boingboing needs my traffic. And well, this is pretty lowbrow... off topic... and I love it. it's that one thing I've stumbled on lately that just made me fall to the ground laughing.
Original post, from Boing Boing:
Cory Doctorow: Weird Al Yankovic has produced an anthem for the download generation: Don't Download This Song: You don't want to mess with the RI-double-A They'll sue you if you burn that CDR It doesn't matter if you're a grandma Or a seven year old girl They'll treat you like the evil hard-bitten criminal you are... Link, MP3 Link (Thanks to everyone who suggested this!)
(Via Mefeedia)
I was coming back from what felt like a typical morning run, although I felt unusually tired, which I attributed to the heat and humidity of Virginia. Having traveled from Connecticut two days before, I was still not properly acclimated, but I thought I could complete my weekly long run by starting early, carrying plenty of water, and stopping frequently for walk breaks. Coming home, I broke my pace and faced three questions that surfaced over a period of several minutes:
Why do I have cuts on my hands and arms?
Why is there a fine layer of dirt in my mouth and in my hair?
Why am I running along Route 50, a major road that I usually only cross?
Some things you should know.
1) Screw TV. Video blogging is not like TV or Film. If there is a revolutionary idea behind new media it's that it's simply personal communication that just so happen to be public.
2) Screw entertainment. While it's fun and all to be entertaining, vlogging, like blogging is not soley about entertainment. It is about communication not entertainment.
3) Screw "monetization". Blogs, video blogs, audio podcasts and photo-casts are about sharing, collaborating, and communicatng. New media is NOT not about making money directly. First and foremost social media is about Social Capital.
New media is about connectivity, mobility, visibility, trust, shared history and many, many other factors that connect you to your peers, friends, and family.
Sure social media like video blogging can be used for entertainment and advertising... but WHY? The return on investment simply in participating in new media is the greatest ROI you'll ever find.
Social media is about connecting like minded people... the "monetization" is in what you do with these people after you connect with them.
4) Screw advertising... Unless it is your object to entertain and appeal to the masses by creating "entertainment" or a "show" then putting advertising on your social media makes about as much sense is putting advertising on your phone conversations with your MOM. Spare your mom and spare your friends. Friends don't spew advertising at friends.
5) It's not JUST about video. New media is about communication... as such it's about communicating whatever way you can, whatever medium best suits your message and your needs. Communicate any way possibke. Use photography, sketch it, write about it, talk about it, make videos. Every form of media has it's purpose and its place. Media is the new language of the mases.
It's about audio podcasting, blogging, photo-sharing and video blogging... use them all... IM, phone, email too.. and don't forget the importance of meeting people in the real world and shooting the shit over a beer. New media doesn't work simply in isolaton.
6) About fidelity, "quality", and perfection. Remeber... it's not about the medium, it's about the conversation. All these media are simply facets of a whole system of communication that connect you with those around you.
Unless it is your objective to simply be entertainment and appel to people who could give a crap less about who you are and what you're interested in don't obsess over the media. You're friends, family and peers will enjoy and follow your grainy, scratch low fedelity self just the same as the high-fidelity you. They will enjoy it just because it's YOU and because of what you have to say... not because just because you're a beautiful blond with big... Be an original. Be you.
Featuring Zadi Diaz and Steve Woolf from their Los Angeles apartment.
After some deliberation, we decided to record our thoughts about videoblogging and the future of making money through videoblogging.
Please note that this is a temporary URL while we set up newmediacracy.com!!!
In this podcast, we introduce ourselves, talk about how we got involved in videoblogging, discuss the current ad revenue models, and drink a bottle of wine.
Somehow we had a feeling CinemaNow wouldn't take the news sitting down with regard to the claims espoused by an anonymous engineer who claims their new pseudo-DRMed download-to-burn DVD service is horribly, fatally flawed, and won't play but in any but the most robust standalone DVD boxes. CinemaNow shot back stating that the service has been 'well received by our customers and studios alike,' (ah, isn't that the trick?) and that tests had the burned DVDs working on '94 percent of DVD players.' Which tests and using what DVD players we don't know, but somehow we don't expect to have that data readily divulged. Guess there's only one way to find out though, right? Download a marginally overpriced flick for about ten bucks, get yourself a spindle of DVD-Rs, and go to town. And while you're at hit, howsabout letting us now how it worked out for ya by shouting it out in the comments, yeah?
"8 1/2 Mile" - a film trailer remix
Fellini meets Eminem
Watch movie (Quicktime, 2.1 min, 12.6 MB)
Original post, from Film Threat:
Fellini's classic film re-mixed Eminem-style...
(Via Mefeedia)